
Showing posts from 2021

What a Shit Show

Man 2020 was such a storm! I'm sure all of you can relate to the suckiness of the COVID pandemic. I was expecting to give birth to my son sometime in late March of 2020, but my body had other plans for him. I was so optimistic that I would be able to try a VBAC if I could hold out long enough and have him be further developed.  Unfortunately I went into severe crisis on February 17, 2020 and was told I would be delivering him the next day at just 35+2. His lungs were fully developed and he was ready to make his appearance. By the time I arrived at the hospital, I couldn't walk anymore. Sickle cell always tends to attack my hips, even the right hip that I've had replaced twice (Yes, you heard that right. TWICE.) within a year of each other. So there I was in excruciating pain, I couldn't get up to even go to the restroom and even moving to the bedside commode was agony. In an attempt to help reduce the amount of opioids in my son's system upon delivery they made the ...