This kid is trying to kill me!
Almost a month after my last post I have decided to post something else. Nothing informative mind you, unless you care about my health and well being. ha!
So, I am positive that I am growing a Stewie Griffin and he is trying to kill me. This has been confirmed by our latest ultrasound which showed a boy. Great. Now that those suspicions have been confirmed and I still can't rest easy at night.
As far as the sickle c disease is concerned, I have been to the ER twice in the last week for at least 6 hours at a time getting fluids, oxygen and meds. They've performed an abdominal ultrasound and what seems like a million vials of blood to see what's going on. Yeah, all that just so they can tell me I'm having a sickle cell crisis. Go figure, I think I knew that when I came in.
I was in so much pain I couldn't sleep. The emergency backup of pain meds did nothing, fluids did nothing, rest did nothing....get the point?
I will say that I am actually looking forward to labor. Yes. I said it. This boy has got to come out!!
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