Well That SUCKS!

Notice of Disclaimer: I am writing this out of frustration. Not necessarily toward one person but toward many, so if you know me, don't take it personally.

I am constantly surrounded by people who do not understand the nature of Sickle Cell Disease, in particular Sickle Cell Anemia or Sickle C Disease. Most people don't even realize what these illnesses entail or how it affects a person. 

This is where I come in.

I seem to be the banner person. The one tokenized, poked and prodded for information or, better yet, ,the one left to defend myself, my treatment, my sickness, my absences from other people's lives, etc.


It. Gets. Really. Old. Really. Fast.

I know one other person with sickle cell in my circle of friends and acquaintances and I don't know how she does it!

----Now for the kicker----
Being pregnant with sickle cell and having to defend treatment, sickness and absences all while being incredibly hormonal and mostly disgruntled is even worse.

This is a constant source of stress for me as people close to me (family and close friends) won't google SC and learn. They don't give me the benefit of the doubt when it comes to being ill and they definitely don't
u n d e r s t a n d.

I can speak for myself and say that Sickle C disease sucks. Especially while pregnant. The fact that my blood lasts and average of 15 days while people without the disease have a whole 30, is cause for concern considering I will be 4lbs of blood by the end of my pregnancy. This is a huge feat for my body to undertake. I am in pain for no reason and can be fatigued for days. While I expect the best outcomes, pregnancy is dangerous for me and the kid (which we will know the sex in about 4 weeks). I face higher rates of every pregnancy complication imaginable. 


It's O.K.

I knew what I was getting into. I may moan and complain (A LOT) but your pregnancy is different than mine. Your health situation is different than mine. Your state of mind and sense of well being is definitely different than mine. 

And I hate to explain myself over and over again--thus this post so I may refer people to it and avoid becoming THAT pregnant woman who has no friends left.


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