
Showing posts from 2012

Hmm? What a Pain!

Just to put this out there in the universe, I had no idea someone with sickle cell disease could suffer from pain in the bone marrow. This makes so much sense to me now because I keep telling my doctors I am in pain in my bones and x-rays show nothing. This is definitely something to take to the or the doctor.

The Surgery

I went in to surgery on Feburary 15, 2012. Although I didn't want to do it, I knew that the issues with my spleen would only get worse. So I showed up, checked in, got into the hospital garb and got poked to death with needles. My husband and I shot the breeze while waiting for me to be wheeled into surgery.  Finally it was time. I was taken down to the surgical floor and the first thing I noticed was it was freezing! I started to panic because I truly did not want to go through another surgery. It wasn't until they transferred to to the surgical table and strapped my legs down that I wanted to bolt. I think the surgical team must have realized how freaked out I was ( I really think my tears gave me away) and they sedated me.  Next thing I know I'm waking up in recovery. I have no idea what they were giving me while I was in recovery, but I felt no pain. It wasn't until I was wheeled to my room that I realized just how much I was hurting.  ...

To My Friends and Family

To My Friends, I love you all for sticking by me and supporting me when I didn't feel like I could make it. It's so crazy because I can now walk and sit up and pick up baby with very little pain compared to before. God is awesome! You guys are awesome! I'm asking that you guys pray for me as another part of the saga unfolds; I am having surgery on Wednesday. I know I blogged about how big my spleen is (as big as a football when it should be about the size of a fist) and it has continued to grow despite the pregnancy, along with its increased blood flow, being over.  It is causing me excruciating pain! Despite being on pain meds and resting when I can (and when baby lets me) I can't deal. I have been subject to quite a few tests and blood work lately to determine the size and damage that the spleen has caused. There is good news, cat scans show that there is no internal bleeding and that despite being at such a high altitude there is no infarction (parts of my splee...